Every project has its unique DNA
It is the company’s goal to advance it’s portfolio of claims to increase shareholder value and solidify the company in both Northwest Territories and Nevada.
The company completed financing to undertake an exploration program and drilling at Gordon Lake in Northwest Terriotories.

The company’s primary focus is the exploration for precious metals in the company’s 100% owned historic mines and deposits surrounding Gordon Lake in the NWT and its portfolio of properties in Nevada. The company is planning to actively explore the Gordon Lake district with two deposit models as a goal – near surface breccia zones and the turbidite hosted Fosterville model with which is the district has many similarities.The recent uncovering of the data describing the 1980 drilling reported below the 1,000-foot level by Noranda with promising results:
• Hole U-80-1: depth of 1,060 feet, 1.63 oz/ton gold (55.89 g/t) across 12.9 feet
• Hole U-80-2: depth of 1,120 feet, 2.65 oz/ton gold (90.86 g/t) across 21.2 feet
• Hole U-80-3: depth of 1,155 feet, 0.35 oz/ton gold (12.00 g/t) across 12.0 feet
These holes are the only deep drilling completed in the Gordon Lake district where over 50 years of exploration was focused on quartz veins on surface having a grade of greater than 15 gm/t. At Fosterville mining took place for several years at about 4 gms/tuntil mining down the system took them to a zone of much higher grades of +15 gms/t. The intersections at Camlaren in a turbidite host show the higher grades at depth similar to Fosterville. Also of special interest is the portfolio of properties owned in Nevada. Subject to fundingthe company will continue to explore and develop these properties. Steven Basin and Black Point projects are of special interest.